
Configuring the Primary and Secondary Security Server
Security Policies
Chapter 7 101
Security Policies
The following files are directly related to the security of the network in
your organization:
password policy
Password Policy File
The password policy file controls password rules, such as password
length, number of character types, and the lifetime of a password. This
file is located on each primary security server and on all the secondary
security servers.
For more information on the Password Policy File, see “Password Policy
File” on page 119.
The admin_acl_file
The admin_acl_file lists the various administrators and their
respective administrative permissions; it also lists the principals whose
attributes cannot be changed without explicit privileges. This file is
located in the primary security server. Protect admin_acl_file with
appropriate read-write privileges and assign access permissions only for
users with access privileges.
For more information on the adding entries to admin_acl_file and
assigning administrative permissions, see “The admin_acl_file File” on
page 113.