
Administering the Kerberos Server
Password Tab (Principal Information Window)
Chapter 8162
Change Password Window (Password Tab)
When you create a new principal using the Principal Information
window>Password tab, HP Kerberos Administrator automatically
displays the Change Password window (Figure 8-6). Enter a new
password and verify the password for user principals. You must select
Failed Auth Count Specifies the number of failed authentication
attempts since the last successful
authentication by the principal. Every failed
SignOn request by the client increments the
Failed Auth Count value by 1. If the number
exceeds the maximum value allowed by the
MaxFailAuthCnt parameter in the password
policy file, the principal account is
automatically locked. To determine if a
principal account is locked, click Principal
Information>Attributes and verify if Lock
Principal check box is selected. To unlock a
principal, clear the check box.
Primary and
Secondary Key
Specifies the available key encryption options:
DES3, DES-MD5,and DES-CRC. Select a key
encryption type for each salt type that you
Primary and
Secondary Salt
Specifies the salt type for a principal. A Salt
is a string of characters added to a password
before it is transformed into the secret key.
Each salt type, except None, has some data
associated with it. The salt data is appended
to the password before generating the DES3 or
DES encrypted key. The salt key settings are
controlled through the Password tab. Salts
are used to strengthen passwords and to
ensure that principals with the same
passwords do not have the same key.
Table 8-10 Password Tab Components (Continued)
Component Name Description