Configuring the Kerberos Server With C-Tree Backend
Autoconfiguring the Kerberos Server
Chapter 5 71
• To configure your Kerberos Server with C-Tree, select option 1. See
“Configuring the Kerberos Server with C-Tree” on page 71 to
continue configuring your Kerberos Server with C-Tree.
• To configure your Kerberos Server with LDAP, select option 2. See
“Configuring the Kerberos Server with LDAP” on page 88 to continue
configuring your Kerberos Server with LDAP.
• To return to the main menu, select option 0.
Step 4. To start the Kerberos daemons, kadmind and kdcd, select option 2. You
must manually start the kpropd daemon. Press Return to return to the
main menu.
Step 5. To stop the Kerberos daemons, select option 3. Press Return to return to
the main menu.
Step 6. To unconfigure the Kerberos daemons, select option 4. You are prompted
with a message to confirm this action. Press y to unconfigure the
Kerberos server and n to return to the main menu.
Step 7. To exit the tool, select option 5.
Step 8. To view the help contents, select option 6.
Configuring the Kerberos Server with C-Tree
Complete the following procedure to autoconfigure your Kerberos server
with C-Tree:
Step 1. Run the /opt/krb5/sbin/krbsetup utility.
Step 2. Select one of the following options:
1) Configure the server
2) Start the Kerberos daemons
3) Stop the Kerberos daemons
4) Un-configure the Server
5) Exit
6) Help
Step 3. To configure the Kerberos Server, select option 1.
Step 4. To configure the Kerberos Server with C-Tree backend, select option 1.