Sample krb.conf File
Appendix B316
NOTE If you have configured your Kerberos server with C-Tree as the backend
then the realm names are case sensitive. If you have configured your
Kerberos server with LDAP as the backend then the realm names are
not case sensitive.
Replace the underlined Your_Realm_Name, Your_Secondary_Server1,
Your_Secondary_Server2, and your_primary_server with the name of
your Kerberos REALM, secondary security servers, and the primary
security server host names, respectively.
Use the following format to write a sample krb.conf file:
Your_Realm_Name Your_Secondary_Server1
Your_Realm_Name Your_Secondary_Server2
Your_Realm_Name your_primary_server admin server
Following is an example of the krb.conf file:
BAMBI.COM fox.bambi.com
BAMBI.COM goat.bambi.com
BAMBI.COM deer.bambi.com admin server
• The realm name is BAMBI.COM.
• The secondary security server 1 is fox.bambi.com.
• The secondary security server 2 is goat.bambi.com.
• The primary security server is deer.bambi.com.
For more information, type man 4 krb.conf at the HP-UX prompt.