
Configuring the Kerberos Server with LDAP
Autoconfiguring the Kerberos Server With LDAP Integration
Chapter 690
2. hpKrbKey
To remap the attributes of the object class hpKrbPrincipal, select
option 1.
To remap the attributes of the object class hpKrbKey, select option 2.
NOTE HP recommends that you use the default attributes of the
hpKrbPrincipal and hpKrbKey object classes.
Step 13. Enter the default base DN for search. The default value is displayed. To
use the default, press Return.
Step 14. Enter the default principal subtree DN. The default value is displayed.
To use the default, press Return.
Step 15. Enter the default template object class. The default value is displayed.
To use the default, press Return.
Step 16. Configure your Kerberos server as either a primary security server or a
secondary security server:
1. To configure your Kerberos server as a primary security server, select
option 1.
2. To configure your Kerberos server as a secondary security server,
select option 2. Before you log on to the Remote Administrator, stop
the daemons that are already running on the secondary security
Step 17. Specify the encryption type. If you do not specify a value, the default
value, DES-MD5, is selected.
Step 18. To stash the principal database key file on your local disk, press y at the
prompt. Press n if you do not want to stash the principal database key
Step 19. Enter names for other servers:
If you chose to configure your primary security server, you are
prompted for the names of your secondary security servers.
If you chose to configure your secondary security server, you are
prompted for the name of your primary security server.