Configuring the Kerberos Server with LDAP
Autoconfiguring the Kerberos Server With LDAP Integration
Chapter 6 89
Step 7. Enter the host name of the directory server. The default value is
displayed. To use the default, press Return; otherwise, enter your fully
qualified host name or the IP address.
Step 8. Enter the port number of the directory server. If you do not specify any
value the following default values are selected:
• If you have opted for SSL as the security mechanism the default
value 636 is selected.
• If you have opted for Password as the security mechanism the
default value 389 is selected.
Step 9. Enter the DN of the proxy user. The default value is displayed. To use the
default, press Return.
NOTE The proxy user must have the privileges to add, modify, and delete
Kerberos information on the Directory server.
Step 10. Enter the Proxy User password.
Step 11. Enter the Certificate db path, if you have opted to configure SSL as the
security mechanism of your LDAP-based Kerberos server.
Step 12. To extend the existing schema in the directory, press y. Press n if you do
not want to extend the schema.
NOTE You must have administrative privileges to extend the schema. Contact
your LDAP administrator if you do not have these privileges.
If you have pressed y, that is, opted to extend the schema, you are
prompted for the following input:
a. Enter the DN of the Admin user. The default value is displayed. To
use the default, press Return; otherwise, enter your DN name.
b. Enter the password.
c. Select the following object classes to remap the attributes:
1. hpKrbPrincipal