Chapter 11290
When you encounter a problem, you may need to investigate many
hardware and software components. You can identify and resolve some
problems quickly, such as invalid software installation, version
incompatibilities, insufficient HP-UX resources, corrupt configuration
shell scripts, and programming or command errors. Other problems
require more investigation.
After you identify the problem, you can resolve the problem using the
suggestions in this chapter or the error messages documented in the link
installation manuals. However, there may be problems that you should
report to your HP support contact. This chapter also includes guidelines
for submitting an HP Service Request (SR).
This chapter discusses the following topics:
• “Characterizing a Problem” on page 291
• “Diagnostic Tools Summary” on page 293
• “Troubleshooting Kerberos” on page 294
• “General Errors” on page 303
• “User Error Messages” on page 305
• “Administrative Error Messages” on page 306
• “Reporting Problems to Your HP Support Contact” on page 308