
Administering the Kerberos Server
Password Policy File
Chapter 8120
If you modify the MaxfailAuthCnt parameter, you must copy the
password policy file to the secondary security server and restart kdcd on
both the secondary and primary secondary security servers.
NOTE MaxFailAuthCnt is the only parameter that the secondary security
servers read in the password policy file.
If you edit the password policy file on the primary security server, the file
must be copied to each secondary security server, so that all the servers
have an updated version of this file.
For more information on the password policy file, type man 4
password.policy at the HP-UX prompt.
*.Expiration None
*.MinimumAge None
*.NotifyTime 7d
*.Dictionaries None
*.MaxFailAuthCnt 10
*.NoReqChangePwd 0
*.MaximumHistory 1
Table 8-3 Default Password Policy Settings for the Base Group
Password Policy Setting Default Value