
Programming Release Notes
5.23 HP COBOL Run-Time Library (RTL)
5.23 HP COBOL Run-Time Library (RTL)
For OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.4, the HP COBOL
RTL (DEC$COBRTL) has been updated to V2.9-785.
5.23.1 Performance Improvement of COBOL CALL Statement
Performance degradation was observed on OpenVMS Integrity servers while
calling subroutines, using the COBOL CALL statement. The time taken was
much longer on OpenVMS Integrity servers than on OpenVMS Alpha.
The Run-Time Library (RTL) has been modied and the performance of the
COBOL CALL statement has signicantly improved. Now, the performance on
OpenVMS Integrity servers is comparable to OpenVMS Alpha.
5.24 HP Fortran for Integrity servers
The HP Fortran for OpenVMS Integrity servers compiler is a port of HP Fortran
90 for OpenVMS Alpha. It runs on OpenVMS Integrity servers and produces
objects for OpenVMS Integrity server systems. The objects are linked using the
standard linker on OpenVMS Integrity servers. This compiler requires OpenVMS
Integrity servers Version 8.2 or greater.
HP Fortran for OpenVMS Integrity servers features the same command-line
options and language features as HP Fortran 90 for OpenVMS Alpha systems
with the following exceptions:
Floating-point arithmetic
Refer to the white paper OpenVMS Floating-Point Arithmetic on the Intel®
Itanium® Architecture for essential reading. You can link to this document
from the following web site:
IEEE is the default oating-point datatype (that is, the default is
The /IEEE_MODE qualier defaults to /IEEE_MODE=DENORM_RESULTS.
Users should pick one /FLOAT value and one /IEEE_MODE value and keep it
for the whole application.
Only the F90 compiler is supported. The F77 compiler, previously invoked
with the /OLD_F77 qualier, is not available. Some of the functionality
contained in the Alpha F77 compiler that is not available in the Alpha
F90 compiler has been implemented in the Integrity servers F90 compiler,
including FDML and CDD support. See the Fortran V8.0 or V8.1 product
release notes for details.
Alpha values for the /ARCH and /TUNE qualiers are accepted on
the compiler invocation command for compile-and-go compatibility. An
informational message is displayed saying that they are ignored.
5–18 Programming Release Notes