
General User Release Notes
3.18 Documentation Corrections
3.18.4 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer’s Guide:
PRODUCT Command Update
In the parameters section, the producer description should be as follows:
Indicates the legal owner of the software product. This parameter must be either
a double quoted or an unquoted string.
3.18.5 HP OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual Update
The following corrections pertain to the HP OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 1: Essentials. Getting Information About Devices on the System
In section 8.3, the following examples should be replaced as follows:
The following command requests a full listing of the status of the DAD42: RRD40
device. The device is located on node IRIS in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.
Disk DAD42: (IRIS), device type RRD40, is online, mounted, software write-locked,
file-oriented device, shareable, error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 146
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 1218000 Sectors per track 4
Total cylinders 50750 Tracks per cylinder 6
Allocation class 11
Volume label "CDBIN06JUL21" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 15153 Maximum files allowed 152083
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1
Mount status System Cache name "_$11$DUA21:XQPCACHE"
Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1515
File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 1330
Volume status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water marking,
write-through XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled.
The following command requests a full informational display about each DG
device. This display shows only the rst two devices: the mounted $1$DGA5001:
device and the unmounted $1$DGA5004: device.
General User Release Notes 3–11