
OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.9 Kerberos for OpenVMS
1.9 Kerberos for OpenVMS
Before conguring or starting Kerberos, check the HP TCP/IP local host database
to determine whether your hostname denition is the short name (for example,
node1) or the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) (for example, node1.hp.com).
If your host name denition is the short name, you must run TCPIP$CONFIG to
change the denition to the fully qualied name.
The following example shows that the hostname is the short name:
LOCAL database
Host address Host name node1
The following log is an example of how to change the host name denition to the
TCP/IP Network Configuration Procedure
This procedure helps you define the parameters required
to run HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on this system.
Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files.
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu
Configuration options:
1 - Core environment
2 - Client components
3 - Server components
4 - Optional components
5 - Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
6 - Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
7 - Run tests
A - Configure options 1 - 4
[E] - Exit configuration procedure
Enter configuration option: 1
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu
Configuration options:
1 - Domain
2 - Interfaces
3 - Routing
4 - BIND Resolver
5 - Time Zone
A - Configure options 1 - 5
[E] - Exit menu
Enter configuration option: 2
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu
Hostname Details: Configured=node1, Active=node1
Configuration options:
1 - WE0 Menu (EWA0: TwistedPair 1000mbps)
2 - node1 Configured,Active
1–10 OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes