
Programming Release Notes
5.30 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Integrity servers
5.30 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Integrity servers
The following release notes pertain to the Integrity servers Linker utility.
For Alpha Linker release notes, see Section 5.29.
5.30.1 Linker Writes Incorrect Interimage Debug Fixups into Debug Symbol
In some situations, the linker creates interimage xups for the OpenVMS
debugger. The inter-image debug xup is a result of compiler-generated debug
relocations, which the linker cannot resolve. That is, the debugger requires these
xups to determine a value from a shareable image at run time. Compilers might
differ on how often they require the linker to create interimage xups for the
debugger. The C compiler rarely uses inter-image debugger xups, although the
C++ compiler often uses them. When linking such images with the /DEBUG
qualier, the linker writes the debug information followed by the interimage
debug xups. With the /NODSF qualier (the default) the information is written
correctly into the image le, but with /DSF the information is sometimes written
incorrectly into the DSF le.
For example, the DEBUG informationals and the DEBUG error in the following
sample occur because the linker has written the DSF le incorrectly:
%DEBUG-I-INFODWARF, error reading Dwarf info: Section 0a exten ds outside file
%DEBUG-I-INFODWARF, error reading Dwarf info: Section 0c exten ds outside file
%DEBUG-I-INFODWARF, error reading Dwarf info: SHT_VMS_FIXUP section 10 size 17eb
e0 not multiple of 18
%DEBUG-I-INFODWARF, error reading Dwarf info: SHT_VMS_FIXUP section 12 size 17ec
30 not multiple of 18
OpenVMS I64 Debug64 Version V8.3-003
%DEBUG-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000000014A
000, PC=000000007BD73100, PS=0000001B
%DEBUG-I-INITIAL, Language: C, Module: MINIREF
The image file is not affected; it can be executed with the RUN command
without any problem:
This error is corrected in the OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 Linker.
5.30.2 /SELECTIVE_SEARCH Qualier Might Incorrectly Ignore Transfer
If you have an Integrity server object module containing a transfer address and
you include the module in the link operation with the /SELECTIVE_SEARCH
qualier, the linker cannot nd its transfer address.
In the following example, the object module (MAIN.OBJ) contains a transfer
address but /SELECTIVE_SEARCH qualier ignores it:
%ILINK-W-USRTFR, image USER:[JOE]MAIN.EXE;1 has no user transfer address
Programming Release Notes 5–27