
Programming Release Notes
5.35 POSIX Threads Library
While an application is running, an operator can stop or start a CPU. Such a
dynamic change affects the allowable number of kernel threads that future image
activations can create. It also will now affect images that are currently executing.
When a CPU is added or removed, the threads library will query for the new
number of active CPUs, and compare this to the number of kernel threads that
the process is currently using. If there are now more CPUs than kernel threads,
the library will try to spread out the existing POSIX threads over the CPUs
(creating new kernel threads as needed, now or in the future). If there are now
fewer CPUs than kernel threads, the library will force the extra kernel threads
to hibernate, and will reschedule the POSIX threads onto the remaining kernel
threads. This will ensure that so far as the process is concerned there will
not be more kernel threads competing for CPU resources than are available.
5.35.11 Debugger Metering Function Does Not Work
The metering capability of the POSIX Threads debugger does not work.
If you use the procedure to debug a running program that is described in Section
C.1.1 of the Guide to the POSIX Threads Library, your process could fail with an
ACCVIO message.
5.36 RTL Library (LIB$)
The following notes pertain to the LIB$ run-time library.
5.36.1 RTL Library (LIB$) Help Omission
The OpenVMS Version 8.2 help le for the LIB$ run-time library is missing help
for the LIB$LOCK_IMAGE routine. The help le will be corrected in a future
release. Meanwhile, refer to the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual for a
complete description of this routine.
5.36.2 RTL Library (LIB$): Calling Standard Routines (Integrity servers Only)
This release note claries how rotating registers are handled by the following
calling standard routines:
The Calling Standard invocation context block (ICB) and mechanism vector
always record general, oating-point, and predicate registers as if the register
rename base (CFM.rrb) and rotating size (CFM.sor) were both zero. In other
words, when rotating registers are in use, the effects of the rotation are
ignored. This is also true of the register masks used by the LIB$I64_PUT_
INVO_REGISTERS routine, because these masks are dened in terms of elds in
the ICB structure.
5–38 Programming Release Notes