
OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.8 OpenVMS Alpha Users
Version 8.3 to V8.4
For Integrity servers:
Version 8.2-1 to V8.3
Version 8.3 to V8.4
Version 8.3-1H1 to V8.4
If you are currently running OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2x through 7.3, inclusive,
you must rst upgrade to Version 7.3-2, and then to Version 8.4. For details
about OpenVMS operating system support, see the chart on the following website:
If you are running other versions of OpenVMS that are no longer supported,
you must do multiple upgrades in accordance with upgrade paths that were
documented for earlier versions.
Cluster Concurrent Upgrades
During a concurrent upgrade, you must shut down the entire cluster and upgrade
each system disk. No one can use the cluster until you upgrade and reboot each
computer. Once you reboot, each computer will be running the upgraded version
of the operating system.
Cluster Rolling Upgrades
During a cluster rolling upgrade, you upgrade each system disk individually,
allowing old and new versions of the operating system to run together in the
same cluster (a mixed-version cluster). There must be more than one system
disk. The systems that are not being upgraded remain available.
Only the following OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX versions are supported
in mixed-version clusters that include OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4:
Version 7.3-2 (Alpha)
Version 7.3 (VAX)
If you are upgrading in a cluster environment, rolling upgrades are supported
from Version 7.3-2 of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. If you have other
versions in a cluster, you cannot do a rolling upgrade until those versions are
upgraded to a supported version.
Mixed-version support for these versions require the installation of one or more
remedial kits. For more information, see Section 4.36.1.
HP currently supports only two versions of OpenVMS (regardless
of architecture) running in a cluster at the same time. Only two
architectures are supported in the same OpenVMS Cluster. Warranted
support is provided for pairings with OpenVMS Integrity servers Version
8.4. For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Upgrade
and Installation Manual.
For a discussion of warranted pairs and migration pairs of OpenVMS operating
systems, for complete instructions for installing or upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha
Version 8.4, and for instructions on installing OpenVMS Integrity servers Version
8.4, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Upgrade and Installation Manual.
OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes 1–9