System Management Release Notes
4.44 Analyze Utility for OpenVMS
4.44.3 System Version Array Formatted in Dynamic Segment
System version data is in the dynamic segment. Previously, if you selected the
dynamic segment (either by segment number, or with the ALL or DYNAMIC
keyword), the system version array was not shown. Information about the system
version array was only shown in the summary.
This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1. The formatted system
version array now appears in the dynamic segment.
4.44.4 Enhancements for the /SEGMENT Qualifier
Enhancements have been made to the /SEGMENT qualifier for dynamic
segments. Analyze has been enhanced to accept keywords for the
/SEGMENT=DYNAMIC qualifier to provide customized information. The
keywords for selectable information are:
ALL—(Default) Formats all parts of the dynamic segment
TAGS—Formats the tag array
IMAGE_STRINGS—Formats strings of the specified image
RELOCATIONS—Formats the image relocations
FIXUPS—Formats the image fixups
SYSTEM_VERSION_ARRAY—Formats the system version array
The default, /SEGMENT=ALL, formats all of the image information.
Note that formatting using the TAGS keyword includes the names of the needed
images, so you do not have to add IMAGE_STRINGS to print the names.
4.44.5 Support for Section Escaping Added
On OpenVMS V8.3, the Analyze utility did not complete when analyzing an object
module with more than 65,280 sections. Instead, it looped when attempting to
print the section header table.
This problem has been fixed in OpenVMS V8.3-1H1.
4.45 INSTALL Utility for OpenVMS (Installing Resident Images in
S2 Space)
The INSTALL utility now supports installing code segments of resident images
into 64-bit S2 address space. Not all code can run in a full 64-bit address space
(P2 or S2). For example, the code must be prepared for 64-bit PCs when handling
exceptions. Also, some compilers require the /POINTER_SIZE=64 command
qualifier, when generating code, suitable for a 64-bit address space.
To avoid mapping unprepared code in S2 space, the INSTALL utility by default
will continue to map the code segments in S0/S1 space. The INSTALL utility will
map code segments of resident images to S2 if two conditions are met:
• The developer explicitly confirmed that the code is 64-bit ready by using the
/SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE=CODE=P2 qualifier when linking the image.
• There is sufficient pre-allocated space in the resident code region in the S2
space to map the code segments. The size of the region is determined by the
system parameter GH_RES_CODE_S2 (number of pages). The default value
is set to 0. That means that by default even 64-bit ready resident images
have their code mapped in S0/S1 space.
System Management Release Notes 4–35