
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 8: Firewall
action table for Firewall actions(page 147). It can also contain direct
descriptions in the appropriate LCOS syntax (e. g. %P6 for TCP).
For direct entering of rule parameters in LCOS syntax, the same guide-
lines apply as described in the following sections for protocols, source
and destination, as well as for Firewall actions.
Object table
The object table defines elements and objects that apply to the rule table of
the Firewall. Objects can be:
̈ Single PCs (MAC or IP address, host name)
̈ Entire networks
̈ Protocols
̈ Services (ports or port ranges, e. g. HTTP, Mail&News, FTP, ...)
Any combination of these elements is possible. Furthermore, objects can be
defined hierarchically. So one can first define objects for TCP and UDP proto-
cols, then objects for e.g. FTP (= TCP + ports 20 and 21), HTTP (= TCP + port
80) and DNS (= TCP, UDP + port 53). All these single objects can be assembled
subsequently into a new object, which contains all previously defined single
objects then.