
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 6: Security
By default, this table does not contain entries. Thus the device can be
accessed over TCP/IP from computers with arbitrary IP addresses. With the
first entry of a IP address (as well as the associated net mask) the filter is acti-
vated, and solely the IP addresses contained in this entry are entitled to use
the internal functions then. With further entries, the number of the entitled
ones can be extended. The filter entries can designate both individual com-
puters and whole networks.
6.2 Protecting the ISDN connection
For a device with an ISDN connection basically any ISDN subscriber can dial
into your LANCOM. To prevent undesired intruders, you must therefore pay
particular attention to the protection of the ISDN connection.
The protection functions of the ISDN connection can be divided into two
̈ Identification control
Access protection using name and password
Access protection via caller ID
̈ Callback to defined call numbers
6.2.1 Identification control
For identification monitoring either the name of the remote site or the so-
called caller ID can be used. The caller ID is the telephone number of the caller
that is normally transmitted to the remote site with the call with ISDN.
Which “Identifier” is to be used to identify the caller is set in the following list:
Configuration tool Run
LANconfig TCP/IP ̈ General ̈ Access list
WEBconfig Expert Configuration ̈ Setup ̈/ TCP-IP-module
Configuration Tool Run
LANconfig Communication ̈ Call accepting
WEBconfig Expert Configuration ̈ Setup ̈ WAN-module ̈ Protect