
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 13: Server services for the LAN
Server services for the LAN
To only block the access of a certain computer (e.g. with IP to
COM domains, enter the following values:
In the console mode the command is:
set 002 *.com
The hit list in the DNS statistics contains the 64 most frequently
requested names and provides a good basis for setting up the filter
If your LAN uses subnetting, you can also apply filters to individual
departments by carefully selecting the IP addresses and subnet masks.
The IP address '' stands for all computers in the network, and the
subnet mask '' for all networks.
13.2.5 Dynamic DNS
Systems with dynamic IP addresses become accessible over the WAN - for
example over the Internet - via so-called Dynamic DNS service providers, e.g.
Thereby a LANCOM becomes available under a certain DNS-resolvable name
(FQDN -’fully qualified Domain Name’, for example "http://MyLAN-
The advantage is obvious: If you want to accomplish e.g. remote maintenance
for a remote site without ISDN available (e.g. over WEBconfig/HTTPS), or to
connect with the LANCOM VPN Client to a branch office with dynamic IP
address, then you just need to know the appropriate Dynamic DNS name.
How to deposit the current IP address at the Dynamic DNS server?
All Dynamic DNS provider support a set of client programs, which can deter-
mine the current assigned WAN IP address of a LANCOM via different meth-
ods, and transfer this address - in case of a change - to their respective
Dynamic DNS server.