̈ Chapter 5: Diagnosis LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
5.1.2 Monitor Internet connection
To demonstrate the functions of LANmonitor we will first show you the types
of information LANmonitor provides about connections being established to
your Internet provider.
ቢ To start LANmonitor, go to Start ̈ Programs ̈ LANCOM ̈
LANmonitor. Use Device ̈ New to set up a new device and in the fol-
lowing window, enter the IP address of the router that you would like to
monitor. If the configuration of the device is protected by password, enter
the password too.
Alternatively, you can select the device via the LANconfig and monitor it
using Tools / Monitor Device.
ባ LANmonitor automatically creates a new entry in the device list and ini-
tially displays the status of the transfer channels. Start your Web browser
and enter any web page you like. LANmonitor now shows a connection
being established on one channel and the name of the remote site being
called. As soon as the connection is established, a plus sign against the
communication channel entry indicates that further information on this
channel is available. Click on the plus sign or double-click such entry to
open a tree structure in which you can view various information.
In this example, you can determine from the PPP protocol information the
IP address assigned to your router by the provider for the duration of the
connection and the addresses transmitted for the DNS and NBNS server.