
̈ Chapter 11: Wireless LAN – WLAN LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Wireless LAN – WLAN
̈ Point-to-point 'Off': The access point only communicates with mobile
̈ Point-to-point 'On': The access point can communicate with other access
points and with mobile clients
̈ Point-to-point 'Exclusive': The access point only communicates with other
access points
The input fields are for the MAC addresses of the WLAN cards for the point-
to-point connections (up to 7).
Please observe that only the MAC addresses of the WLAN cards at the
other end of the connections are to be entered here! Not the access
point's own MAC address, and not the MAC addresses from any other
interfaces that may be present in the access points.
Configuration with
WEBconfig or Telnet
Under WEBconfig or Telnet you can set the settings for the point-to-point
connections under the following paths:
Client mode
If the LANCOM Wireless device is operating as a client, the tab 'Client mode'
can be used for further settings that affect the behaviour as a client.
Network types
'Network types' controls whether the station can register only with
infrastructure networks, or also with adhoc networks. Further information
about these network types can be found under ’The ad-hoc mode’
page 207 and ’The infrastructure network’ page 207.
Configuration tool Menu/Table
WEBconfig Expert configuration ̈ Setup ̈ Interfaces ̈ WLAN-
Interfaces̈ Interpoint-Settings
cd /Setup/Interfaces/WLAN-Interfaces/