
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 11: Wireless LAN – WLAN
Wireless LAN – WLAN
11.5.4 Transmission power reduction
Every country has regulations concerning the permissible output power from
WLAN antennae, often with differences according to the WLAN standard or
divided according to indoor or outdoor use. The output power from external
antennae may not exceed these maximum power levels. The relevant power
level is the result of adding the radio module power and the antenna gain,
and subtracting the loss from cable, connectors and lightning protection.
Setting the transmission power reduction is described in the section ’Radio
settings’ page 246.
36,0 0,32 0,27
48,0 0,16 0,13
54,0 0,08 0,07
Maximum distance [km]
Mbps P2P P2mP