
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 3: Configuration and management
Configuration and manage-
LANconfig then tells you the version number and the date of the firmware in
the description and offers to upload the file. The firmware you already have
installed will be replaced by the selected release by clicking Open.
You also have to decide whether the firmware should be permanently acti-
vated immediately after loading or set a testing period during which you will
activate the firmware yourself. To activate the firmware during the set test
period, click on Edit ̈ Firmware Management . After upload, start the
new firmware in test mode.
Start WEBconfig in your web browser. On the starting page, follow the Per-
form a Firmware Upload link. In the next window you can browse the folder
system to find the firmware file and click Start Upload to start the installa-
Terminal program (e.g. Telix or Hyperterminal in Windows)
If using a terminal program, you should first select the 'set mode-firmsafe'
command on the 'Firmware' menu and select the mode in which you want the
new firmware to be loaded (immediately, login or manually). If desired, you
can also set the time period of the firmware test under 'set Timeout-firmsafe'.
Select the 'Firmware-upload' command to prepare the router to receive the
upload. Now begin the upload procedure from your terminal program:
̈ If you are using Telix, click on the Upload button, specify 'XModem' for
the transfer and select the desired file for the upload.
̈ If you are using Hyperterminal, click on Transfer ̈ Send File, select the
file, specify 'XModem' as the protocol and start the transfer with OK.
TFTP can be used to install new firmware on LANCOM. This can be done with
the command (or target) writeflash. For example, to install new firmware in
a LANCOM with the IP address, enter the following command under
Windows 2000 or Windows NT:
tftp -i put Lc_16xxu.282 writeflash
3.8 Command line interface
The LANCOM command line interface is always structured as follows: