
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 3: Configuration and management
Configuration and manage-
Convenient series configuration
However, even when you are faced with the task of configuring several
LANCOM of the same type, you will come to appreciate the function for saving
and restoring configurations. In this case you can save a great deal of work
by first importing identical parameters as a basic configuration and then only
making individual settings to the separate devices.
Running function
3.7 New firmware with LANCOM FirmSafe
The software for devices from LANCOM is constantly being further developed.
We have fitted the devices with a flash ROM which makes child's play of
updating the operating software so that you can enjoy the benefits of new
features and functions. No need to change the EPROM, no need to open up
the case: simply load the new release and you're away.
3.7.1 This is how LANCOM FirmSafe works
LANCOM FirmSafe makes the installation of the new software safe: The used
firmware is not simply overwritten but saved additionally in the device as a
second firmware.
Of the two firmware versions saved in the device only one can ever be active.
When loading a new firmware version the active firmware version is not over-
written. You can decide which firmware will be activated after the upload:
̈ 'Immediate': The first option is to load the new firmware and activate it
immediately. The following situations can result:
The new firmware is loaded successfully and works as desired. Then
all is well.
Configuration tool Run
LANconfig Edit ̈ Save Configuration to File
Edit ̈ Restore Configuration from File
Edit ̈ New Configuration File
Edit ̈ Edit Configuration File
Edit ̈ Print Configuration File
WEBconfig Save Configuration ̈ Load Configuration (in main menu)
tftp get readconfig file1 tftp put file1 writeconfig