LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 9: Quality of Service
Quality of Service
̈ DiffServ: The ToS/DiffServ field is interpreted as DiffServ field and evalu-
ated as follows:
DiffServ in Firewall rules
The code points from the DiffServ field can be evaluated by Firewall rules for
further control of QoS parameters such as minimum bandwidth or PMTU
The parameters for evaluating the DiffServ fields are adjusted when defining
the QoS rule in LANconfig:
According to your selection of the DSCP type (BE, CS, AF, EF) the valid values
can be adjusted in additional drop down lists. Alternatively, the DSCP decimal
value can be entered directly. A table listing valid values can be found under
’What is DiffServ?’ →page 170.
DSCP code points Kind of transmission
CSx (including CS0 = BE) normal transmission
AFxx secured transmission
EF preferred transmission