(Continued on next page)
(Continued from previous page)
New PID Configuration
Program PIDs range: 0x31 - 0x70
Pro:Idiom PIDs range: 0x1050 - 0x1057
Send Pro:Idiom messages: no
Do you want to save the new configuration? [y/n]:
3. Either:
• Type y and press Enter, to save the new conguration. The system will confirm the
configuration update:
New configuration has been saved.
• Type n and press Enter to return to the
Setup Command >
prompt without saving your
Configure the Pro:Idiom PIDs
This option enables you to configure Pro:Idiom PIDs and enable/disable Pro:Idiom messages
in the output stream. It is intended only for qualified service personnel and should only be used
when recommended by LG. This option requires the Pro:Idiom user password. If this is the first
time the command is being run, contact LG for the password; otherwise, if necessary, obtain
the password from the system administrator.
1. At the
Setup Command >
prompt, type proidiom and press Enter.
2. At the
Enter Pro:Idiom user password:
prompt, type the password (case-sensitive)
and press Enter.
The system displays an overview of the current PID conguration (including program PIDs)
followed by a prompt for the starting Pro:Idiom PID, for example:
Current PID Configuration
Program PIDs range: 0x30 - 0x6f
Pro:Idiom PIDs range: 0x1050 - 0x1057
Send Pro:Idiom messages: no
Enter the starting Pro:Idiom PID [0x1050]:
3. At the prompt, either press Enter to accept the default value (i.e., the current setting) in
square brackets, or type the appropriate starting Pro:Idiom PID in hexadecimal format, and
then press Enter.
4. At the
Insert Pro:Idiom messages in output stream? (y/n) [n]:
• Type y and press Enter to enable Pro:Idiom messages in the output stream, or
• Type n and press Enter to disable Pro:Idiom messages in the output stream.
Conguration Options via Command Line (Cont.)