MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Features and Applications
Page 4-62Applications
Telephony Services workgroup product. It allows clients, via the telephony server,
to use software applications for calling activities. For example, a service
representative might automatically view customer information on a computer
screen when the customer calls; the incoming telephone number triggers a
pop-up information screen from a database available to the network.
In Table 4–12
stands for “Hybrid/PBX” and
stands for “Behind
Table 4–12. Application Descriptions and Modes of Operation
Category and Name Key H/PBX BS Description
Applications Link
CTI (Computer
Telephony Integration)
Release 5.0 and later systems only. Provides an
interface between the system and a LAN running
Novell NetWare, allowing the use of software
applications on Windows 3.1, Windows 95,
Windows 3.11 for Workgroups, Windows NT,
Apple Macintosh OS, and UNIX System clients
for call control and monitoring.
PassageWay Direct
Connection Solution
Windows-based. Provides an interface between
a PC and the system for application solutions
such as programming the MLX telephone at the
extension, auto dialing from the PC, and call
logging. Can integrate with Windows
Standalone Programming
System Programming
and Maintenance (SPM)
DOS-based PC software that enables system
programming from a PC instead of an MLX-20L
telephone. See
System Programming
for a
complete description.
Standalone Call Accounting and Management Applications
Call Accounting System
(CAS) Plus V3
DOS-based. Tracks and sorts phone charges,
offering a wide range of customizable reports.
Also includes messaging features and a special
utility for detecting toll fraud.
Call Accounting
Terminal (CAT)
Dedicated terminal/printer tracks and sorts
charges and prints reports. More detail than
SMDR reporting.
Allows analysis of facilities usage, calling group
agent performance, and call traffic patterns.
Continued on next page