MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-49Changing Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Status
Valid Entries
Unrestricted, Outward-restricted, Toll-restricted
Task List: Changing Calling Restrictions 6
Obtain the following forms, as appropriate:
— 6g, Call Restriction Assignments and Lists
— 6e, Allowed Lists
— 6f, Disallowed Lists
— Forms for individual telephones: Forms 4b, 4d, 4e, 4f, 5a, 5b, or 5c
If necessary, read “Calling Restrictions” in the
Feature Reference
detailed information about this feature.
Plan changes using the planning guidelines above; record the new values
on the form(s).
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
Program the change(s), following the instructions for “Call Restrictions” in
the “Optional Telephone Features” section of
System Programming
Chapter 3, or the summary programming instructions below.
When you have finished, file the form(s) with the rest of the planning forms.
Programming Instructions 6
Changing Trunk-to-Trunk
Transfer Status 6
Beginning with Release 3.1, the system includes an option to allow or disallow
trunk-to-trunk transfer for each extension. Trunk-to-trunk transfer is the
transferring of an outside call to another outside number. When trunk-to-trunk
transfer is allowed, there is a risk of toll fraud.
Use this procedure to enable or disable trunk-to-trunk transfer at one or more
Console Procedure
→ →Dial ext. no.→ →
Select restriction→ →
PC Procedure → →Type ext. no.→ →Select restriction→