MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-82Revising Night Service with Coverage Control
■ When Night Service is turned off and normal operation is resumed, all
Coverage VMS Off buttons are activated. Calls follow normal coverage
patterns for business-hours operation.
Users can manually override this system-programmed setting by pressing the
Coverage VMS Off buttons at their extensions.
Planning Guidelines 6
Revising Night Service with Coverage Control may affect other features. For more
information, see the
Feature Reference
If the person at an extension has pressed the programmed Coverage VMS Off
button at the telephone (either to turn voice-mail coverage on or off), the Night
Service with Coverage Control feature does not toggle the telephone button to the
opposite status. For example, if the person at the extension has used the
programmed button to turn voice mail coverage off and Night Service is activated,
the system-programmed feature has no effect. The voice mail system does not
cover calls for the person at the extension. When normal business-hour operation
is resumed, voice mail coverage remains off at the extension. In this way, users
can activate voice mail coverage, when, for example, they are going to be away
from the office for the entire working day, without worrying about whether the
system turns voice mail coverage off.
Valid Entries
Enable, Disable
Task List: Revising Night Service with
Coverage Control 6
Obtain Form 9c, Night Service Options
If necessary, read “Night Service” in the
Feature Reference
for detailed
information about this feature.
Plan changes using the planning guidelines above; record the new value
on Form 9c.
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
Program the change(s), following the instructions for “Night Service with
Coverage Control” in
System Programming
, Chapter 3, or the summary
programming instructions below.
When you have finished, file Form 9c with the rest of the planning forms.