MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
New Features and Enhancements
Page xxiRelease 6.0 Enhancements
Pause cannot be originated from a single-line telephone or a remote access user.
A multiline telephone user in the local system must enter an authorization code to
activate the feature.
A remote access user may activate the feature without using an authorization
code. Barrier code requirements do apply, however.
Authorization Codes and
Remote Call Forwarding 0
In Release 6.0 and later Key or Hybrid/PBX mode systems, forwarding features,
including Centrex Transfer via Remote Call Forwarding, but excluding Follow Me,
can be activated or deactivated at a multiline telephone by entering the
authorization code for the extension from which calls are to be forwarded. The
user enters the authorization code, then activates or deactivates the forwarding
feature in the normal fashion. This is especially useful for a single-line telephone
user who must include a Pause character in a Centrex Transfer via Remote Call
Forwarding dialing sequence, because the character cannot be dialed at a single-
line telephone. It is also useful when activating Call Forwarding or Remote Call
Forwarding at phantom stations, or via remote access (e.g. from another switch in
the network). No other features can be used by entering an authorization code in
this fashion.