MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Read This First
Page 1-5The System Planning Forms
— Planning for and sometimes implementing system modifications that
may become necessary as your company changes and grows
— Maintaining records of changes made to the system
— Preparing an updated in-house directory of telephone extension
— Training new users
— Screening repair and/or operational problems or questions and reporting
them, if necessary, to the Lucent Technologies Helpline
(1 800 628-2888; consultation charges may apply)
— Maintaining the security of the system and overseeing features that help
prevent fraud
The System Planning Forms 1
When a MERLIN LEGEND Communications System is installed and set up,
Lucent Technologies personnel program it to function according to the options the
customer selects and the features the customer needs. To make the programming
process run smoothly, the Lucent Technologies personnel fill out and refer to
planning forms that record all of the system’s settings and features, those that
affect the whole system and those that affect individual extensions. Lucent
Technologies representatives use a book called
System Planning
as a guide
when filling out forms at the time of an installation or upgrade.
After the system is installed and programmed, copies of these completed planning
forms are available for you, as system manager, to use for reference and to
update as you make changes to the system. The forms are a complete record of
how your system is set up, so keep them in a safe place.
A list of the forms and a description of each form’s purpose is in Appendix D. One
of the forms, the Employee Communications Survey, is included in Appendix D.
Use this form if you need to conduct a survey of your users’ needs; for example, to
plan system modifications as your company’s needs expand.
If you have not received the completed planning forms for your system, contact
your Lucent Technologies representative. If you need a blank set of forms, call the
Lucent Technologies Customer Information Center at 1 800 457-1235.