MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Learning More
Page 7-7Guides
■ System Programming. If applicable, summarizes the system
programming procedure(s) that control the feature.
■ Maximum(s). If applicable, tells you what maximum numbers apply to the
■ Factory Setting(s). Shows you the default programming, that is, how the
system sets the feature when no one programs it.
Following each “At a Glance” table is a full description of the feature or feature
group, telling you how it works for those who have different types of equipment or
programmed positions. Following the description, feature entries include (as
applicable) each of these sections:
■ Considerations and Constraints. An explanation of exceptions and
unusual conditions pertaining to the feature. This section can help you
troubleshoot a problem with the feature.
■ Mode Differences. An explanation of variations in the use of the feature in
the different modes supported by the system.
■ Telephone Differences. An explanation of variations in the use of the
feature with different telephones.
■ Feature Interactions. A list of issues and considerations to be aware of
when using another feature in conjunction with the main feature described.
The list is arranged alphabetically by feature.
Appendixes 7
Feature Reference
appendixes include a variety of useful tables and
reference tools, in addition to the customer service information in Appendix A:
■ An alphabetical list of system features, citing the system planning forms
they are associated with (Appendix B)
■ An alphabetical list of general systemwide features, including their
availability in different operating modes as well as notes on mode
differences and availability in different releases of the system (Appendix C)
■ Information about general feature use and how operator and user features
are activated or programmed on MLX, analog multiline, and single-line
telephones (Appendix D)
■ A fold-out flowchart showing the system programming hierarchy and
menus. Many system programmers remove this chart and hang it on a wall
for quick reference (Appendix E)
■ A table describing the SMDR reports available for the system, along with
samples of those reports (Appendix F)
■ Telephone button diagrams for MLX and analog multiline telephones in all
three modes of operation (Appendix G)