MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Putting the System to Work
Page 5-7Scenario 2: A Professional Office
Scenario 2: A Professional Office 5
This scenario describes a law firm. The communications needs of the company
fall into these categories:
■ Executive Staff. Five partners and four associate partners.
■ Secretarial Staff. Five executive secretaries, a general secretary, two
associates’ secretaries, and an operator/receptionist.
■ Administrative/Support Staff. Eight paralegals, an office manager, a
word processing pool, and a bookkeeping department. The office manager
functions as system manager.
■ All Staff. All staff members share some common requirements, as do the
phones in public areas.
The firm plans with these general considerations in mind:
■ A variety of call coverage needs
■ A need to track call costs for client billback
■ Extensive use of on-line databases and the Internet for research, keeping
up to date with professional organizations and publications, and electronic
mailing of large legal documents
■ Use of Group IV (G4) fax machines for receiving and sending legal
■ Use by partners, associates, and clients of a PictureTel group
videoconferencing system installed in one of the firm’s conference rooms
■ Security requirements and restrictions on outgoing calls, especially for
common areas; for example, the conference room, client meeting rooms,
and staff lounge
Because of the extensive data communications needs in this office, many lines
are required; furthermore, pools are needed to access certain special line/trunk
groups. The operator directs all incoming calls except those to devices such as
fax machines and those that arrive on DID and personal lines. For these reasons,
a Hybrid/PBX system is required.
Figure 5–2
illustrates the office layout. Following the figure are sections that
describe the firm’s requirements in more detail and how the system’s equipment
and features meet these special needs and concerns.