MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
About the System
Page 2-12Incoming Trunks
Incoming Trunks 2
Trunks are the telephone company’s facilities, provided by the central office (CO)
to carry voice or data communications (see Figure 2–6
). There are a variety of
trunks, each with different capabilities. These types have evolved over the years
as technology has advanced and customer needs have expanded.
The decision concerning the type of trunks chosen for your company’s system
depends primarily on your company’s needs. Other factors include cost (due to
differing capabilities, the use of some trunks is more expensive than others), and
availability (some of the advanced trunks are not available everywhere).
Your company chooses trunks before the system is installed. A Lucent
Technologies representative works with you or your company’s representative to
identify needs and, therefore, the appropriate type and number of trunks. When
the Lucent Technologies representative places the order for the system
equipment, she or he also contacts the local telephone company and arranges for
the trunks.
Depending on the trunk type and what the CO can provide, a variety of services is
available, for example, incoming and outgoing WATS (INWATS and OUTWATS).