MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-45Removing an Extension
Task List: Removing an Extension 6
Obtain Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks. Also obtain any
relevant forms, including group-assigned feature forms (for example, 7c,
Group Coverage) and Forms for the individual telephone (for example, 4d,
MLX Telephone). Appendix D of this guide includes a list of the planning
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
If your system uses the Set Up Space numbering plan (see Form 2a),
single-renumber the extension jack following the instructions in “Single
Renumbering” in the “System Renumbering” section of
, Chapter 3.
This task requires an idle condition: Extension Forced Idle for this
extension jack.
If you are removing a personal line, Loudspeaker Paging, or Pool button
assignments (Hybrid/PBX only), follow the instructions in “Assign Trunks or
Pools to Telephones” in the “Telephones” section of
System Programming
Chapter 3.
This task requires an idle condition: Extension Forced Idle for this
extension jack.
To remove intercom or System Access button assignments, follow the
instructions in “Assign Intercom or System Access Buttons” in the
“Telephones” section of
System Programming
, Chapter 3.
This task requires an idle condition: Extension Forced Idle for this
extension jack.
If the telephone does not have a built-in speakerphone (BIS) or Hands-
Free Answer on Intercom (HFAI), remove it as such from the system by
following the instructions in “Analog Multiline Telephone Without Built-in
Speakerphone (BIS) or Hands-Free Answer Intercom (HFAI) Capability” in
the “Telephones” section of
System Programming
, Chapter 3.
If the telephone requires a dedicated voice or voice pair of extension jacks
to provide the Voice Announce to Busy feature, or to provide voice and
data features, remove them from the system as such by following the
instructions in “Analog Multiline Telephones with Voice Announce to Busy”
in the “Telephones” section of
System Programming
, Chapter 3, or the
instructions in “Data Features” in Chapter 4 of
System Programming