Hierarchical Design
Multicap 9 User Guide 6-5
The assignment of RefDes to part is stored with the top-level circuit, and not with any of the
nested circuits. This is because the same nested circuit may appear more than once in a
design. Were the RefDes to be associated with a nested circuit, duplicate RefDes would
appear in this situation. To combat this, it is the top-level circuit that associates a RefDes with
each part's instance of use. Thus, a hierarchical block opened via top-level circuit 1 will have
all the same components as are in the same hierarchical block opened via top-level circuit 2,
however they will have different RefDes.
In the above example, we see Circuit1 referencing the same sub-circuit, sub, twice. The
components, their placement, the wiring, and the net names in the sub-circuit are identical in
the two instances (because they are, after all, the same sub-circuit: sub). However, the RefDes
of their components are different, as the association of RefDes to component instance is
stored with and managed by the containing design, Circuit1.
6.2.3 Net Numbering in Nested Circuits
Net names are unique across all the pages of a multi-page circuit. However, net names may be
repeated in nested circuits. This does not cause any ambiguity, however, as the "real" names
of nets in nested circuits are formed by pre-pending a dot-separated path of references to