Working with Larger Designs
6-10 Electronics Workbench
The subcircuit appears in the desired location on the circuit window as an icon with the
subcircuit name inside it.
4. Double-click on the new subcircuit and select
Edit HB/SC from the
Hierarchical Block/Subcircuit dialog box that displays. An empty circuit window appears.
5. Place and wire components as desired in the new hierarchical block.
6. Select
Place/Connectors/HB/SC Connector, and place and wire the connector as desired.
Repeat for any other required HB/SC Connectors.
When you return to the main circuit, the symbol for the subcircuit will include pins for the
number of connectors that you added.
7. Wire the subcircuit into the circuit as in the example below.
To place another instance of the same subcircuit:
1. Select the desired subcircuit in the workspace and select
2. Select
Edit/Paste to place a copy of the subcircuit on the workspace.
Note The copy should be pasted in the same file as the original subcircuit.