Multicap Menus
Multicap 9 User Guide A-9
A.1.3.6 View/Zoom Fit to Page
Lets you display your entire circuit on the workspace at once.
A.1.3.7 View/ Show Grid
Shows or hides a grid in the background of the circuit window. This helps you place elements
in specific locations on a grid.
A.1.3.8 View/Show Border
Shows or hides the circuit’s border.
A.1.3.9 View/Show Page Bounds
Shows or hides page boundaries in the circuit window. This helps you note where circuits will
appear on printed output.
A.1.3.10View/Ruler Bars
Shows or hides the ruler bars on the top and left margins that appear outside of the workspace.
A.1.3.11 View/Status Bar
Shows or hides the status bar at the bottom of the workspace.
A.1.3.12View/Design Toolbox
Shows or hides the Design Toolbox. For details, see “3.5 Design Toolbox” on page 3-32.
A.1.3.13View/Spreadsheet View
Select/deselect to show/hide the Spreadsheet View. For details, see “5.2 The Spreadsheet
View” on page 5-7.
A.1.3.14View/Circuit Description Box
Opens a window in which you can enter comments or information about the circuit. For
details, see “4.10 Circuit Description Box” on page 4-47.
Shows or hides the selected toolbar. Choose to show or hide any or all of the toolbars
discussed below. For information on these toolbars, see “A.1 Multicap Menus” on page A-1.