Multicap Menus
Multicap 9 User Guide A-15
A.1.5 Transfer Menu
A.1.5.1 Transfer/Transfer to Ultiboard
Displays a file browser where you choose or enter a file name for the data being transferred to
Ultiboard. A netlist file for Ultiboard is created.
A.1.5.2 Transfer/Transfer to Other PCB Layout
Displays a file browser where you choose or enter a file name for the transferred data. You
can choose the appropriate file type from a list of available types.
A.1.5.3 Transfer/Forward Annotate to Ultiboard
Forward annotates changes made to a circuit in Multicap to the Ultiboard circuit file. For
details, see “10.2 Forward Annotation” on page 10-4.
A.1.5.4 Transfer/Backannotate from Ultiboard
Backannotates changes made to a circuit in Ultiboard (for example, deleted components) to
the Multicap circuit file. Displays a file browser where you choose the backannotation file
corresponding to your circuit file. The circuit file must be open before you use this command.
For details, see “10.3 Back Annotation” on page 10-4.
A.1.5.5 Transfer/Highlight Selection in Ultiboard
When Ultiboard is running, and you have selected components in Multicap, the corresponding
components are highlighted in Ultiboard.
A.1.6 Tools Menu
A.1.6.1 Tools/Component Wizard
Invokes the Component Wizard, which takes you through the steps required to create a
component. For details, see “8.2 Adding Components with the Component Wizard” on
page 8-3.
Note The Tools menu is hidden when the simplified version option is selected. For details,
see “ Simplified Version (rfe)” on page 1-7.