Editing a Component’s Symbol
Multicap 9 User Guide 8-31
Pop-up Menus
Depending on where you right-click in the Symbol Editor, different pop-up menus appear.
Right-clicking from a menu displays a pop-up which allows you to toggle the following
toolbars on and off: Standard Toolbar; Zoom Toolbar; Draw Tools; Pin Place Toolbar;
Drawing Toolbar.
Right-clicking in the workspace displays a pop-up that contains: Cut; Copy; Paste; Show
Draw Grid; Draw Grid Size; Snap To Grid; Flip Horizontal; Flip Vertical; Rotate 90
Clockwise; Rotate 90 Counter CW. For details on these, see “ Edit Menu” on page 8-26. Toolbars
The toolbars give access to the most commonly-used tools.
Standard Toolbar
The buttons in the Standard toolbar are described below:
Button Description
Open button. Opens a new untitled document in the Symbol Editor. If you
already have one open, it will close first, after prompting you to save any
Open button. Opens an existing document in the Symbol Editor. If you already
have one open, it will close first, after prompting you to save any changes.
Save button. Saves changes to the active document.
Cut button. Removes the selected element(s) from the workspace and places
them on the clipboard.
Copy button. Places a copy of the selected element(s) on the clipboard.
Paste button. Places a copy of the element(s) on the clipboard on the
workspace at the cursor’s location.