Working with Larger Designs
6-34 Electronics Workbench
9. Click
OK. The connections to the bus are made as in the following example.
6.5 Variants
A variant is a specific version of a circuit. As PCBs are manufactured for distribution on a
global scale, some designs may require modifications depending on their target markets. For
example, power supply requirements for the European market differ from those of North
America. The variations in the power supply requirements may call for the use of different
components in a design. The designer would want to produce a single PCB which would meet
requirements for both the North American and the European versions. The board itself must
contain the traces as well as land patterns/footprints for both variations of the design. The
PCB would then be populated with components according to the target market of the device.
6.5.1 Setting Up Variants
Variants are defined in the Variant Manager dialog box.
In the following example variants are entered for North American (NA) and European (EU)
versions (that is, variants) of a design.
To define circuit variants:
1. Open a circuit in Multicap. In this example, the circuit name is “VariantTest”.
2. Select
Tools/Variant Manager. The Variant Manager dialog box appears.
Existing Nets
Connections made using Bus Vector Connect