Setting Schematic Capture Preferences
Multicap 9 User Guide 3-19 Preferences - Paths Tab
The Multicap installation puts specific files in specific locations. If necessary you can point
Multicap to a new location to find, for example, database files. You can also use this dialog
box to create and specify user settings files that contain individuals' preferences for all
To set up file locations:
1. Choose
Options/Global Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.
2. Select the
Paths tab and navigate to the appropriate locations for the different elements:
Note The most important setting is the
Circuit default path, as this is where all new files are
saved, unless you manually navigate to a new location when saving.
User button images path is where you store any user-created button graphics.
3. To use a different configuration file, navigate to the appropriate user settings file.
4. To create a new user configuration file, click
New user config file from template. You are
prompted to select the configuration file to use as a template, then to enter a name for the
new configuration file.
If desired, click to
navigate to a new
location for the files.