A-16 Electronics Workbench
A.1.6.2 Tools/Database
Tools/Database/Database Manager
Lets you add component families, assign button icons to families, edit, copy and delete
components, and (for some editions of Multicap) enter or modify user field titles for those
component families. For details, see “7.4 Managing the Database” on page 7-8.
Tools/Database/Save Component to DB
Lets you save the selected component, including any changes you made to it, to the database.
For details, see “7.4.6 Saving Placed Components” on page 7-15.
Tools/Database/Convert Database
Converts components in an existing Corporate or User Database into Multicap 9 format. For
details, see “7.5 Converting 2001 or V7 Databases” on page 7-17.
Tools/Database/Merge Database
Displays the Merge Database dialog box where you can merge the contents of another
database into your
User or Corporate Database.
For details, see “7.7 Merging Databases” on page 7-19.
A.1.6.3 Tools/Variant Manager
Displays the Variant Manager dialog box. For details, see “6.5 Variants” on page 6-34.
A.1.6.4 Tools/Set Active Variant
Displays the Active Variant dialog box. For details, see “6.5 Variants” on page 6-34.
A.1.6.5 Tools/Rename/Renumber Components
Lets you renumber components on the screen. This is useful if you have numbers that appear
all over the screen, depending on where they were placed, or if you have numbers missing in a
sequence. For details, see “6.3 Renaming Component Instances” on page 6-11.
A.1.6.6 Tools/Replace Component
Before using, select the desired component(s) in the circuit window to be replaced. Invokes
Select a Component browser from which you can select a new component. Click OK to
replace the old component(s) with the selected new one. See also, “4.4.7 Replacing a Placed
Component” on page 4-17.