April 1998
In the field . . . Enter the . . .
Login ID ID of 1 to 10 characters.
Password Password from 1 to 10 characters.
Re-enter Password Password again to verify that you entered the
correct password into the device.
Access Level Access level: 1, 2, or 3.
5. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area.
6. To save login information, select S
ave and press Return.
When Save is complete, Command Complete appears in the message area
at the bottom of the screen. The cursor is repositioned at the Login ID field,
ready for another entry.
Refer to Chapter 5,
Setting Up
, for more information about security and login
configuration options.
Deleting a Login
A login record can be deleted.
To change a login, delete the current login and create a new one.
" Procedure
To delete a login record:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Admin Login
2. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area.
3. Select PgU
p or PgDn and press Return to page through login pages/records
until you find the one to be deleted.
4. Once the correct record is displayed, select Del
ete and press Return.
5. To save the deletion, select S
ave and press Return.
When the deletion is complete, Command Complete appears in the message
area at the bottom of the screen. The number of login pages/records reflects
one less record, and the record following the deleted record appears.
Page 2 of 4 is changed to Page 2 of 3.