April 1998
Remote Loopbacks
The remote loopback up codes (which put a remote device in loopback mode)
and down codes (which take a remote device out of loopback mode) are in-band
codes that allow remote control of a device.
H Network loopbacks are defined in AT&T TR 62411.
H The LLB up code invokes a line loopback in the remote unit while the LLB
down code terminates the line loopback in the remote unit.
The following tests cannot be running when a remote loopback test is initiated:
H All loopbacks on this Network or DSX-1 interface
H Send Pattern Test on this interface or any data port assigned to this interface
H Send Remote Line Loopback on this interface
H Send V.54 or Send FT1 Loopback on any data port assigned to this interface
H Data Channel Loopback on any data port assigned to this interface
" Procedure
To start and stop a Remote Loopback:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Network Tests
2. Select the desired Network interface (1 for 9161 NAM, 1 or 2 for 9261 NAM).
3. Select the code Up or Down in the Send Line Loopback field.
4. Highlight Send under Command in the Send Line Loopback row. Then, press
Return to start the test. The code will be sent for 10 seconds.