April 1998
User Interface
The T1 access unit uses menu-driven asynchronous (async) terminal interface
menus and screens. Along with the LED status indicators on the front panel, the
menu-driven interface provides feedback and status on the:
H T1 access unit
H DSX-1 and Network T1 interfaces
H Synchronous data ports
H Voice ports
Async Terminal User Interface Access
You can access the user interface:
H Locally through a direct connection to the communications port via an async
terminal (or other VT100-compatible terminal) or PC emulation.
H Remotely through a Telnet session, although only one user interface session
may be active at one time.
Network Management
Manage the T1 access unit via an SNMP management system connected to the
communications port or through a remote in-band connection.
Menu Hierarchy
The menu hierarchy represents the organization of the system’s menus and
screens. Refer to the enclosed
Quick Reference
for a pictorial view of the menu