Displaying System Information
April 1998
View this field . . . To find the . . .
For the FXS Voice APM
Port Status Status of the port.
Assigned To Interface the port is assigned to.
Operating Mode Operating mode of the voice port that was configured
using the Operating Mode configuration option on the
Voice Ports screen. See the
Technical Reference
configuration information.
Signaling Type Type of signaling used by the voice port that was
configured using the Signaling Type configuration option
on the Voice Ports screen. See the
Technical Reference
for configuration information.
Call Progress Current condition of the port.
TX ABCD bits Current value of the ABCD signaling bits that are being
transmitted to the T1 interface.
RX ABCD bits Current value of the ABCD signaling bits that are being
received from the T1 interface.
T-R Control Current status of the tip and ring leads:
H RbTo. A –48 Vdc battery is applied to the Ring lead
and the Tip lead is opened
H RbTg. A –48 Vdc battery is applied to the Ring lead
and the Tip lead is grounded
H TbRg. A –48 Vdc battery is applied to the Tip lead
and the Ring lead is grounded
H Ring. Ringing voltage is applied between Tip and
T-R Receive Status of what the attached device is doing with the Tip
and Ring leads of the FXS port.
H Loop. Tip and Ring are connected together
H Rgnd. Ring lead is grounded by attached device
H Open. Ring lead is not connected to either the Tip
lead or the ground
Trunk Cond CGA Displays the status of trunk conditioning (On for CGA,
Off for no CGA).