April 1998
Line Loopbacks
This test is only available for a voice port belonging to an E&M APM. A Line
Loopback loops the analog voice signal received from the analog line/device
connected to the port back to the same line/device, before passing through the A
to D converter on the voice port.
to: Analog Device
Line Loopback
D to A
The following tests cannot be running when a Line Loopback is initiated:
H DRS or Quiet Test Tone, or Analog Loopback on the same port
Test Tones
The following test tones are available to send to interface or to the user:
H DRS – Digital Reference Signal, a 1004 Hz, 0.0 dBm tone.
H Quiet – No signal is sent.
" Procedure
To start and stop a Test Tone:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Voice Port Tests
2. Enter the desired slot and port number.
3. Highlight either Send ___ to T1 Interface or Send ___ to User and select
either Quiet or DRS for each field.
4. Highlight Start under Command in the row to send a test. Then, press Return
to start the test.
5. View the length of time that the test has been running in the Results column.
6. Highlight Stop under Command to stop the test.
The following tests cannot be running when a Test Tone is initiated:
H Any loopbacks on the same port
H Another type of test tone (other than the one currently running) on the same