April 1998
The T1 access unit monitors alarm conditions occurring on either the:
H Network interface
H DSX-1 interface, or
H Sync data ports
You select the ASCII alarms that you wish to receive for each interface on the T1
access unit via the Network Interface configuration option screen.
Viewing Alarm Messages
You can view alarm messages via the:
H Health and Status screen
H Messages on Line 24 of the user interface screen
H Printout from your ASCII terminal printer
ASCII Alarm Messages
The following messages are sent to an ASCII terminal or printer attached to the
communication port (either locally or remotely via an external device).
You should be sure to clear alarms as they occur by correcting the
condition that caused the alarm. Additional alarms will not be reported
until the previous alarm is cleared. Therefore, if you do not clear an
alarm, a serious outage could occur and you will be unaware of it,
unless you are monitoring the unit via the user interface or SNMP.
H When set, an alarm is sent at the start of an alarm condition.
H If more than one alarm condition exists, only the highest priority alarm will be
sent. View Health and Status for all conditions.
H An Alarm Cleared message is sent when the alarm condition no longer