April 1998
Sending and Monitoring Pattern Tests
The pattern tests enable a T1 access unit either to send or monitor a known bit
H These tests generate industry-standard bit patterns that can be used to
determine whether information is being correctly transmitted across a circuit.
H These industry-standard and user-defined patterns can be sent by the
Network (1 or 2) and DSX-1 interfaces, as well as the Sync Data ports
(toward the Network or DSX-1 interface) and the OCU-DP ports.
" Procedure
To send/monitor a Pattern Test:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence to display the Tests screen:
Main Menu
Sync Data Port Tests
2. Select the desired slot and port numbers.
3. Select the desired pattern in the Send field. If you are sending/monitoring a
user-defined pattern, enter the the desired 2-byte hexadecimal value in the
field next to Send. When sending a pattern, the Inject ERR function key
appears. Use Inject ERR if you want to inject a bit error in the transmitted bit
4. Highlight Send under Command in the row to send a pattern, or Start to
monitor a pattern. Then, press Return to start the test.
5. View the length of time that the test has been running in the Results column.
An error count is also displayed. When monitoring a pattern, the ResetMon
virtual function key appears. ResetMon resets the error count to zero.
6. Highlight Stop under Command in the Send or Monitor row. Then, press
Return to stop the test.
Voice Port Tests
Voice port tests are available to run on voice ports for any installed and enabled
" Procedure
To start and stop a voice port loopback:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Voice Port Tests
2. Enter the desired slot and port number.
3. Highlight Start under Command in the row to send a test. Then, press Return
to start the test.
4. View the length of time that the test has been running in the Results column.
5. Highlight Stop under Command to stop the test.