9161-A2-GH30-30 April 1998
Parity, 5-54
Passed, status, 7-23
Password, 6-9
Matching Error, 9-18
pattern tests available, 1-9
Payload Loopback, 9-24
Performance Statistics
Far-End, 5-22
Near-End, 5-22
pin assignments
3 Amph. plugs-to-1 Amph. plug cable, E-17
3 Amph. plugs-to-4 Amph. plugs cable, E-19
COM port, E-1
to PC or terminal/printer cable, E-2
COM port-to-modem cable, E-3
COM port-to-PC cable, E-2
COM port-to-terminal/printer cable, E-2
DSX-1 Port cable, E-5
E&M voice APM connector, E-13
EIA530A-to-RS449 DTE adapter cable, E-10
EIA 530 A-to-V.35 DTE adapter cable, E-8
EIA 530A-to-X.21 DTE adapter cable, E-11
EIA-232E port, connector/interface, E-6
EIA-530A port 1 or 2 interface, E-6
FXO/FXS voice APM connector, E-12
FXS voice APM connector, E-12
LAN adapter, E-4
LAN adapter to COM port, cable, E-4
OCU port, E-25
RJ48S DDS network, E-25
RJ48S network, E-5
T1 mass termination cable, E-26
T1 network cable, E-4
T1 Network Interface Connector, E-5
T1 RJ48S network, E-4
PLB, 9-24
Please Wait, 7-17
assignment, clearing, 5-47
communication, setting up, 5-52
configure, 5-16
copying configurations, 5-35
OCU-DP, configure, 5-32
sync data, configure, 5-16
voice, configure, 5-24
Port (DTE) Initiated Loopbacks, 5-20
Port Access Level, 5-55, 6-2
port assignments, 7-11
Port Base Rate, 5-17
Port Rate, OCU-DP, 5-33
Port Status
E&M, 5-24
FXO, 5-26
FXS, 5-29, 5-32
Sync Data Ports, 5-17
Port Type, 5-17, 5-53
Port Use, 5-52, 6-2
power supply, 1-10
Primary Clock, Failure Alarm, 5-51
Primary Clock Source, 5-49
port, 5-49
product-related documents, xi
recording configurations, A-3
reference documents, xii
remote access units, B-3
routing using routers, B-6
Remote FT1 Data Channel Loopback, 9-31
Remote Loopbacks, 9-26
Repeater Loopback, 9-25
resetting, T1 access unit, 8-13
resetting the access unit, COM port, 4-8, 8-14
restoring access to the user interface, 8-13
Return (Enter) key, 4-5
right arrow key, 4-5
Ring-Back Tone, FXS, 5-31
RJ27X socket, E-13
RJ48C, E-4
RLB, 9-25
routers, routing to remote access units, B-6
on same subnet, B-4
using different subnets, B-5
using routers, B-6
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 5-11, 5-21, 5-56
Rx Gain (dB)
E&M, 5-25
FXO, 5-28
FXS, 5-31